Written by Syan Bateman Welcome to the first of our short, four part series on password […]
The Digital Services Act will be in effect from 2024, and it intorduces a new set of rules for digital services in relation to citizens, digital service provides, business users, and society. It targets Intermediary and Hosting services, Online platforms, and Very large online platforms. But how exactly will these platforms and services be affected, and what are its implications?
International data transfer requires additional consideration from a data protection perspective. The EU-US Privacy Shield was the law governing data transfer between EU and US, however this was replaced with the Trans-Atlantic Data Framework on the 15/03/2022. What is it and what are its implications?
The Data Governance Act which was approved on the 06/04/2022 introduces huge changes to data collection, sharing, and processing. It defines new concepts such as Data Intermediaries, Sector-specific data spaces, Data altruism, and the European Data Innovation Board. Find out more about these key concepts in this blog post.
Phishing is one of the most common cyber security attack, but is also possibly one of the easiest to prevent! Find out more about what Phishing is, different types of Phishing, and how to identify and prevent Phishing attacks.
Cyber Essentials is a new certification that helps organisations to prove their cyber security standards to clients, and deter hackers. It is necessary to get many Government contracts and is very important for many organisations. But how does it actually work? Find out the five key controls that Cyber Essentials evaluates in this short blog post.
Confidential documents and sensitive information is often leaked in many companies. One of the easiest ways this can happen is leaving such documents unattended. A clear desk policy is a simple solution to avoid this problem. Find out more in this blog post.
You company just got a Data Subject Access Request, but it contains the personal data of two or more parties. How do you balance the GDPR’s principle ‘right to access’ with ‘what to disclose’? How should you properly redact the data before disclosing it?
Everyone thinks collecting massive amounts of data is the best thing to do for marketing, and the general growth of a company. However, is this actually true? Hyper-growth models of big data are showing to be heavily limited, and Data minimisation is the next big thing. Find out more in this short blog post.
It is easy to send unwanted information in emails and potentially break Data Protection laws without even being aware of it. Here is a simple guide on how to avoid such issues in your OOO replies.
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