Lloyds Banking Group plc is a major British financial institution formed through the acquisition of HBOS by Lloyds TSB in 2009. The Parliament of Scotland of the Bank of Scotland founded it in 1695. It is the fifth oldest bank in the United Kingdom. Lloyds Banking Group’s activities are organised into: Retail Banking (including Mortgages and Sole Traders); Commercial; Life, Pensions & Insurance; and Wealth & International. Lloyds’ has extensive overseas operations in the US, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Project Goal(s)
Deliver a Risk Transformation programme for the Group Central Functions that strengthens the bank’s risk data aggregation capabilities and risk reporting practices and Change management/delivery and establishing robustness in the Risk Strategy and Application Suite
Also ensure full cycle of PCI DSS compliance design change and approvals end-to-end for all the six categories stipulated by the regulation to be built into the design.
– Regulatory interpretation with Business, preparation of definitions and agreeing with stakeholders, delivery to improve the data lineage from source to report, enhance document controls and provision a clearer system, user and data documentation from both internal and vendor supplied applications
– Aligned the project fully to the agreed business strategy within Retail Credit Risk which includes a focus on simplifying the Retail Credit Risk data landscape, improving risk analytic capabilities, strengthening control, resourcing from metadata, establishing data governance and delivering efficiency savings and impairment benefits.
– Implemented leading edge processes, tools, and training to empower our people and maximised sustainable growth opportunities.
– Prepared Strategic roadmaps and transitions from tactical solutions for Personal Current accounts and Mortgages risk data since was a new regulatory initiative and required lot of investigation
– Successfully delivered the Client’s SaaS platform programme for LBG Group Risk compliance with the BCBS Governing and Systems principles.
– Delivered PCI DSS compliant design change and approvals end-to-end for all the six categories stipulated by the regulation Delivered all the Data feeds to the LBG SaaS platform (ETL and non-ETL)
Technologies/Framework/Platform for data/management/delivery
SAP, ORACLE, Group Data Warehouse, Asset Management, Wealth, Insurance, Trading (Forex, Derivatives, Bonds, Asset backed securities), Black Horse
Full compliance achieved in line with the programme’s objective
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